Memories.. Ahhh Memories.. My most Valuable and Dearest Asset….

sir hn1I sometimes think that the choices we have in different area of our lives are, immense, one
such choice is in the area of our Memories.
My question is do we have the choice of what to remember and what not to remember?
Second question is How to have a Memory that is very Healthy for my Well being and the
well being of my loved ones and important people, in my life?
Third question is If I have the skill to manage my Memories Well and it’s for my betterment,
How can I make more people, Happier, by sharing this ART or SCIENCE or WAY OF LIFE,
with all I come across with , whether, via blog or via face to face interactions?
Me, being a novice in the area of Psychology, Philosophy or Religion etc, tried to do a small
research on the above 3 questions and found out Via Psychology the following :
Abstracts taken from the book ” Exploring Psychology” by David G Myers (9th edition from
page 279 to 309)
This Memory Chapter is co-authored, by Dr Janie Wilson with Dr David Myers.
Attributed to our Memories they said,” Largely, we are WHAT WE Remember” , Wow . Wow.
Wow .
“It is our memory that accounts for our time and defines our life”.
“There will be no joy in life, without memory” .
I can go on and on, about the importance of this amazing pillar of, and in our lives, in short ,
Please take out time and make your choices in the area of memory management well. You
will not regret that small investment of time and little effort on this area.. Beautiful Memories,
amazing life..
I wish for you all my dear family, friends and anyone who reads this…A Joyous Journey into
your Memory Lane…
Last but not the least a small question, again, once we have mastered the art/science of our
memory management, how can we make sure that the unwanted memories do not
effect/interfere with , the effectivty or purposefullness of our present and future life?
Enjoy and thanks for your most valuable and kind attention.Iam deeply grateful to you all.

Blog by (pen name of Najfi H Naqvi)